Phillip Bloch, Celebrity Stylist, 2015

Phillip Bloch began his foray into fashion as a fashion design major at FIT in NYC. Soon after, he began modeling and traveled to Japan, and Europe where he lived for 8 years. Working for iconic Brands such as Gaultier, Galliano, Saint Laurent, and Italian Vogue and more. He transitioned from modeling and moved to Hollywood, where he is accredited as being the first “Celebrity Stylist to The Stars”. He created iconic moments; dressing 13 Stars for one Oscar,Sandra Bullock, Jim Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Will & Jada Pinket Smith, Selma Hayek, Angela Baset, etc. He also dressed Halley Berry for her historic Oscar win and Michael Jackson’s memorable “The last photo shoots” for the covers of Ebony and Jet Mag. He has also dressed countless celebrities such as Beyoncé for her Pepsi campaign, John Travolta, Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Julianna Margulies, Forest Whittaker, Julianne Moore, Mary J Blige etc. for various award shows and photo shoots for 100’s of magazines and covers such as Vogue, Elle, Vanity Fair, Billboard, Entertainment weekly etc.